
Our Focus Areas

Evangelistic Missions

Evangelistic Missions

Jesus said to his disciples, The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers are Few
South-Asia is Home to 2 Billion People
1.5 Billion people yet to Hear about the Jesus Christ
Explore our various missions and discover how you can give 'Hope through Gospel Today' to someone who needs it most!

We partner with missionaries, evangelists, local churches, and those who are called by God in ministry to host mass gospel evangelistic & revival meetings in remote areas to bring the message of hope to the hopeless through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This world has only one true hope, which can only be found through Jesus Christ. He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation'. The Bible tells us in Matthew 24:14, 'And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come'. Believing the Lord Jesus' return is near, we are called to sow the seeds of the Gospel before the harvest. Inspired by this promise, we dedicate ourselves to sharing the message of hope on the Earth.

1.5 Billion people yet to Hear about the Jesus Christ in South Asia

$100 can help us reach,

10 people with Gospel

Sponsor Missionary / Evangelist

Hope in Jesus connects with native Missionaries/Evangelist who are called by God and have a passion and burden to serve their own people. They are working in the world's most difficult mission fields, where false religion and hostile government oppose God's truth. They understand the language and cultural mindsets of the people inside of their own countries, and they employ appropriate evangelistic strategies to reach these people with the gospel. For $200/month you can enable a Missionary/Evangelist to be trained and equipped with Bibles, discipleship materials in native languages, fellowship with other believers in God's field, a small vehicle so missionaries don't have to travel on foot, and focus on their ministry full-time without the constant worry of providing for their families.

Sponsor a Missionary/Evangelist, bring God's love to nations

Give Hope to those who are called to Serve

Sponsor Christian Apologist

Hope in Jesus connects with Christian Apologist, someone who defends the Christian faith. They tackle questions, doubts, and criticisms people might have about Christianity. This could involve topics like the existence of God, Sonship of Christ, salvation, authenticity of Biblle, the historical accuracy of the Bible. They aim to provide a basis for Christian beliefs that is both logical and persuasive. For $200/month you can enable a Christian Apologist to get trained and equipped with Bibles, apologetic materials in native languages, comparative religion studies, scientific literacy, critical thinking, and reasoning skills so that they can focus on their ministry full-time without the constant worry of providing for their families while defending Christianity in a world of false religion.

Sponsor a Christian Apologist to bring back lost souls

Give Hope to those who are called to Serve

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International