
Our Focus Areas

Biblical Education

Biblical Education

'All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be equipped for every good work'
Fostering Hope Through Biblical Education
Making Biblical Education Acessible to Everyone
Explore Biblical Education and discover where Jesus leads you to give 'Hope through Word of God Today' to someone who needs it most!

Bibles for All

We partner with local bible society, to buy translated bibles in native languages at low cost to distuibute among the kids & adults free of cost who can't afford it, We believe every kid and adult deserve to have their own bible with them to read and know more about God personally and recieve everlasting hope through Jesus Christ.

Best Gift You can Give Someone is a Gift of Holy Bible

Donate Bibles, Impact Lives, Instill Hope

Sponsor Pastor / Teacher

We partner with those local churches where Pastors/Teachers lack sufficient resources struggle to serve their congregations effectively. Pastors of these churches, many of whom had never received any formal ministry training, and in some cases struggles to provide for their own families. For $150/month you can allow a Pastor/Teacher to receive proper training and attend pastoral & leadership conferences, meeting with other church leaders to learn, grow and know more about word of God to serve their congregation well & allowing them to focus on their ministry full-time without the constant worry of providing for their families.

Sponsor a Pastor/Teacher, Transform their Entire Church

Give Hope to those who are called to Serve

Translating Biblical Resoucres

Translating Biblical Resources such as theological works, books, sermons in different South Asian languages like Urdu, Dari, Persian. Making all the life transforming, hope buliding, destiny revealing, biblical literature accessible to those who cannot read the English language. For $200 - $500 you can help us translate a book with 100/250 Pages, print and distribute freely.

Give Hope through Life Changing Materials

Support Translation Efforts

Audio Solar Bible Device

Hope in Jesus is committed to bringing hope through the word of God to every aspect of life possible. Especially to visually impaired young and old who cannot read and see but can only hear. Audio Solar Bible Device is very effective and easy way for such individuals to hear about the word of God & have their own Audio Bible with them wherever they go. For $60 you can gift someone a Audio Bible that can change their life forever.

Giving a Audio Bible, is like evangelizing to them

Jesus said 'Whoever has ears, let them hear'

Support Bible institutions

We partner with local Bible colleges and training centers struggling financially to continue their free-of-cost services of educating and training new believers, pastors, missionaries, evangelists, teachers, young and old – all those who cannot afford to pay fees. For $400/month you can enable a Bible college or training center to continue their free-of-cost services, educating and training believers in righteousness.

Support Biblical Education Transform Lives

Give Hope to those who are called to Serve

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International