
Our Focus Areas

Our Focus Areas

Hope in Jesus International is a faith-based organization. We focus on various areas, aiming to bring hope, support, and lasting change through the power of Jesus Christ. From sharing the message of faith through evangelistic missions to providing educational opportunities that empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty, We assist families in obtaining safe housing, stand with those persecuted for their beliefs, and offer essential resources like clean water and sanitation facilities. During times of crisis, we provide humanitarian relief to those in need. Explore our various focus areas and discover how you can give 'Hope Today' to someone who needs it most!

Jesus said to his disciples,
"The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers are Few"

South-Asia is Home to 2 Billion People

1.5 Billion people yet to Hear about the Jesus Christ

$100 can help us reach,

10 people with Gospel

If God calls you to Spread Gospel to Nations:

Click here to Send Email

"All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be equipped for every good work"

Fostering Hope Through Biblical Education

Making Biblical Education Acessible to Everyone

Donate Bibles

Support Bible Trainings

Translate Resources

Poverty grips a child's physical, social, emotional, financial, educational and spiritual development. It shortens life expectancy.

Through your support and our holistic approach, children can overcome poverty and become fulfilled futures

Your compassion can change a child's life

For $50/month you can,

sponsor a Child

Give Hope to Hopeless Children

Shelter and refuge for deprived and persecuted Christians

Together we can give hope & Make a big difference

Your support of just $50,

can help us, Build a

refuge for a family

"Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy" - Provebs 31:9

Christians are enslaved in Brick Kiln slavery for generations

Over 100,000 poor Christians are trapped in debt by predatory kiln owners, with no Hope of ever escaping.

Your support of $250 - $500,

can help a slave of years

be set free today & forever

Give Hope to hopeless slaves

'Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven' - Matthew 5:10

Over 365 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith

14,700 churches or properties were attacked and 4,998 Christians were martyred in 2023

Stand with a persecuted,

brother or sister in Chirst

in Pray & Action

UNICEF reports that in 2021, an estimated (1,287,000) 1.287 million children in South Asia died, due to starvation. Every life is Precious.

Every year, a person wastes 10% of food worth $120

Food can help save thousands of starving lives

$120 can provide a child,

with one year of food

Every life is Precious. More than 1000 children die each day due to waterborne diseases caused by unclean water, sanitation and hygiene.

Children walk miles to search for clean water

Your help can bring clean water to thirsty ones

Clean water can help,

save thousands of lives

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International

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Copyright © 2024 by Hope in Jesus International