
Our Focus Areas

Free Christian Slaves

Free Christian Slaves

'Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy' - Provebs 31:9
Christians are enslaved in Brick Kiln slavery for generations
Over 100,000 poor Christians are trapped in debt by predatory lenders, with no Hope of ever escaping.
Explore our free christian slaves program and discover how you can give 'Hope Today' to someone who needs it most!

What is Brick Kiln Slavery?

Brick kiln slavery, also known as bonded labor, refers to a exploitative system where workers are forced to make 1000 to 2000 bricks a day by using hands, to repay debts to the deceptive kiln owners. Predatory kiln owners targets marginalized and poor Christians with lack of education and awareness about their rights and lure them into taking loans from them. These loans can be for basic needs like food, medical care, or emergencies. The interest rates on these loans are very high, making it nearly impossible for the workers to ever fully repay them. The workers' wages are then used to pay off the debt, with little or nothing left over for their own needs. This creates a cycle of debt that can trap families for generations. Workers are forced to work long hours, often under harsh and dangerous conditions, to meet brick production quotas. They are physically or verbally abused if they try to leave or fail to meet their quotas. Workers in brick kilns face physical health problems due to the harsh working conditions working directly under the sun where temperature rises upto 50 degrees Celsius or 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Children are often forced to work alongside their parents, hindering their education and development. Families are trapped in a cycle of poverty and debt burden is passed down to children, with no hope of ever escaping the slavery for generations. They are prohibited from leaving the kiln area, their identification documents are withheld to prevent them from escaping.

Your support of $250 - $500,

can help a slave of years

be set free today & forever

Give Hope to hopeless slaves

Free a bonded Slave

Hope in Jesus International is bringing hope to hopeless christian slaves trapped in brick kiln slavery for decades. They are waiting by faith that one day Jesus Christ will send someone to free them from the bonded slavery. Over 100,000 poor Christians with large of Children are trapped in debt by predatory kiln owners, with no Hope of ever escaping. Your support of$250 - $500can help a slave of years be set free today & forever.

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